Welcome to GOTMYHOST Mirror.

GOTMYHOST offers a low latency worldwide network, enabling you to deploy your service infrastructure in close proximity to your customer base.

File Directory: ./almalinux/9.5/ResilientStorage/aarch64/os

Name Size Last Modified
.discinfo44.00 B11/13/2024, 08:24:30
.treeinfo566.00 B11/13/2024, 08:25:19
EULA290.00 B11/13/2024, 08:08:08
LICENSE17.67 KB11/13/2024, 08:08:08
Packages/--11/19/2024, 07:14:09
RPM-GPG-KEY-AlmaLinux-93.07 KB11/13/2024, 08:08:08
extra_files.json719.00 B11/13/2024, 08:08:08
media.repo99.00 B11/13/2024, 08:24:30
repodata/--11/19/2024, 07:18:06